Secret Leadership Skills for Personal Growth

Become Your Own Leader to Unlock Full Potential

Leadership is like chess. It’s time to strategize.

Leadership capabilities like strategic vision, self-management and influence can dramatically better your life even if you aren’t leading a team or organization. By viewing yourself as your own leader and proactively developing critical leadership skills, you can optimize your personal growth and reach your full potential. This in-depth guide will reveal how to leverage classic leadership capabilities for self-improvement.

P.S. If you’re looking to get the feedback you need from your colleagues, check out, a site to gain invaluable insights into your blind spots so that you can take immediate steps to correct them. You can try it out for free!

Why Leadership Skills Matter for Personal Growth

Strong leadership skills like the ability to:

  • Create a vision

  • Set strategic goals

  • Influence others

  • Manage yourself

Are invaluable for career success as an executive. But they are equally important for managing your own personal growth and development.

Applying leadership disciplines to your own life gives you a formula for continuous improvement and achieving your full human potential.

Assess Your Current Leadership Capabilities

To grow your leadership abilities for personal advancement, first assess your current skill level in the key areas:

Vision - Can you imagine an ambitious future self and set an inspirational yet achievable direction?

Strategy - Are you able to break a vision down into specific, sequenced goals with deadlines?

Self-management - Do you have the discipline to stay focused despite distractions and obstacles?

Influence - Can you persuade yourself and others to take action aligned with your goals?

Problem-solving - Are you able to creatively identify and evaluate solutions to personal growth barriers?

Communication - Can you clearly explain your vision and ideas to yourself and others?

Decision Making - Do you use data and critical thinking to make choices that optimize growth?

Adaptability - Do you regularly evaluate performance and change course as needed?

Courage - Are you willing to take risks and leave your comfort zone to keep advancing?

Analyze your capabilities in each area to reveal opportunities for leadership development.

Create a Personal Growth Vision

The first step in leading yourself forward is determining where you want to go. Draft a long-term vision for reaching your full personal potential across all facets of life including:

  • Professional accomplishments

  • Skills to master

  • Financial goals

  • Health and fitness objectives

  • Relationship aspirations

  • Life experiences to acquire

  • Personal passions to pursue

Make the vision bold and inspirational yet grounded in your genuine interests and abilities. It should pull you forward and guide all other personal growth efforts.

Break Your Vision Into a Strategic Plan

With your vision set, put on your strategic leader hat to determine the step-by-step plan to get there. Ask:

  • What short, medium and long-term goals align to my vision?

  • What order and timeline makes sense for each goal?

  • Who can support me in pursuing goals?

  • What resources or training will be required?

  • How can I measure progress and stay accountable?

Keep iterating your personal growth strategy as you gain experience and encounter obstacles.

Influence Yourself Through Motivation Tactics

Influencing yourself to adhere to your growth strategy when struggles arise is critical. Use motivation tactics leaders employ to rally their teams:

Tell an inspiring narrative - Connect goals to your life story and deepest values.

Reward small wins - Celebrate each achieved milestone to build momentum.

Highlight role models - Let examples of personal growth from others encourage you.

Make supportive allies - Get personal advocates to cheer you on.

Go public - Share your vision and commitment to bolster resolve.

Visualize the benefits - Stay focused on how realizing your vision positively transforms your life.

Manage Yourself Through Discipline and Habits

Self-management is essential to lead yourself through the long, difficult road of personal growth. Develop practices to stay disciplined:

Routinize goals - Make objectives part of your daily habits and schedule.

Limit distractions - Control technology and entertainment that subverts growth priorities.

Overcome inertia - Use the five minute rule - don't delay getting started.

Beat procrastination - Tackle toughest tasks first.

Practice emotional regulation - Don't let stress or impatience derail your efforts.

Maintain work-life balance - Prevent burnout through proper rest and relaxation.

Embrace simplicity - Remove unnecessary obligations that consume time and energy.

Like all leaders, view yourself as responsible for seeing your growth strategy through despite challenges.

Problem Solve Obstacles Creatively

When you inevitably encounter barriers to the goals and vision you have set, tap your problem-solving abilities to power through.

  • Clearly define each problem or obstacle facing you.

  • Brainstorm wide-ranging alternative solutions.

  • Weigh the pros and cons and risks vs. rewards of each option.

  • Try promising solutions quickly on a small scale.

  • Analyze results and refine approaches.

  • Persevere through multiple attempts until the right solution is found.

Great leaders are great problem solvers - develop this same mindset to keep your personal growth on track.

Adapt Your Plan When Needed

Part of leading yourself forward is continuously reviewing real world results and being willing to change course. Every 3-6 months, formally reassess your vision, goals and habits. Ask:

  • What is working well that I should continue or expand?

  • What is not working that I should refine or scrap altogether?

  • Do I need to adjust the vision or timeline given my progress?

  • What new skills or knowledge do I need to acquire to advance?

  • How must my habits and daily routines evolve?

Be willing to honestly admit what is failing and correct the course. Leaders are adaptable - regularly re-optimize your growth plan.


Leadership capabilities are invaluable not just for managing teams, but for managing your own personal growth. Set an inspirational yet achievable vision. Strategically break that vision into discrete goals and habits. Influence yourself through motivation. Develop self-management disciplines. Solve problems resourcefully. Continuously adapt your strategy based on results. By determinedly leading yourself in this way, you will fully realize your human potential.

But hold on, there’s one last pitfall I’d like to highlight that could stop your leadership growth: not getting the feedback you need from your colleagues.

That’s why I built, a site to gain invaluable insights into your blind spots so that you can take immediate steps to correct them.

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